January 22nd, 2024
New music is coming, but I have lots of music out already,
December 12th, 2024
This is a good day, just like the last few. The Chicago music scene documentary "I Found It" played at Art Basel in Miami. You can watch the documentary on youtube here: I Found It
(December 12th continued)
What is even more exciting are the people I was able to spend my time with in Miami, The Left Field! Through the connection of Will Ojeda (same guy who made the final edits on "I Found It" btw)! Gratitude is the emotion I keep returning to. There's so many good things to talk about, my greatest stress is finding the time for everything. I'm so aware of the lucky position I am in. I want to make the most of this. As always, more videos, more music, and more parties coming.
November 14th, 2024
actually a very old song, was supposed to start "The Monarchy Bubble", an album I thought I would release. So glad this song is out though, it needed to come out.
"Social Approval"
written and produced by Charles Fox
additional mixing by Realxty
mastered by Christian Linberg at College Street Records in Colchester Vermont
November 7th, 2024
Written and Produced by Charles Fox
Mastered by Christian Linberg at College Street Records in Colchester Vermont
song is available on all streaming services. New Foxcudder next week:)
October 1st 2024
"something else FR" by Charles Fox
"Your Symbols Are Simple" by Foxcudder
Ask your local DJ to play something else FR today.
Both songs were recorded, mixed, & mastered by College Street Studios in Colchestor Vermont.
Additional drums on "something else FR" by Christian Linberg.
Idk what to say else to say about these except that they're both very good. Listening to them today was a good reminder. Shoutout to Christian for putting that vocal effect at the end of the verse on "something else FR", I love that part. I'm planning on releasing more music soon.
September 26th 2024
On August 16th, House Party Hotline threw a "Speed Survivor" beach party where we had 9 contestants compete in a game based off the TV show Survivor, winner recieved free admission to every HPH event forever. It was pretty great and on October 5th, I'm hosting a reunion party with the cast where we will be screening the video we made capturing the competition. The video, is pretty great. It looks like it will be about 30 minutes long. It often feels like a vlog, shot with 4 different kinds of cameras, but, that is another quality that adds to it's beauty and hilariousness. Will (pictured in the 2nd photo above) is helping edit the content into greatness, he also shot much of the footage including the high quality testimonial interviews.
ALSO, I've been making a lot of new music, I HAVE TWO NEW SONGS COMING OUT OCTOBER 1st. One by me, the other by Foxcudder. I'm really excited to share more music, these past 3 days I've made a song everyday, I'm going to try to make another song tonight before I go to bed. I really feel like I'm back in that mode that I was in when I was 16 except this time I have more resources and experience. I've been listening to my own music so much. I know there's a lot people who will benefit from listening to my music too. The new culture I've been talking about these past few years is real. It's not that it is more special than anything else, but I know that it is special. The way people cherish any positive human tradition is all validation that people will cherish new traditions. I already cherish everything that's happening right now. I'm so far from where I want to be in so many aspects of my life but as I'm living through some of these moments I know it's a special time in my life that I will cherish forever. It's like when I see old footage or photos of the 2000's capturing the simpliest things, it looks like good times and it makes me feel like I didn't appreciate the era enough. In the future when we look back at the photos and videos we're taking right now, I think they'll look even cooler than previous eras, and I'm confident I'll feel like I appreciated the moments enough while they were happening. Thank you to anyone reading this, I want to write for the rest of my life.
September 12th 2024
I want to take this moment to appreciate A$AP Rocky. I feel like I haven't had a positive communal music moment in a long time and A$AP Rocky is the person doing that the most for me in this moment. It's nothing like the moments being made in pop music, and it stands apart from any musical moment in my physical domain. I've just been listening to "HIGHJACK" a lot recently, and I noticed like 4 cool people posted that song on their Instagram story. More often nowadays, some of my favorite artists are releasing songs, albums, and I don't even know about it until I just happen to be on their streaming profile and see it. Of course the first thing I notice is that these artists typically did not post about these releases enough, or creatively enough. We can assume I would know about every release I want to know about if every artist releasing posted about these releases as much as they could with creative care because I follow these artists on social media and I am often looking at social media. But I don't follow A$AP Rocky on Instagram.
I used to follow him a long time ago, in fact I know I used to follow him 9 years ago. I unfollowed him because, as some people may remember, every post A$AP Rocky used to put on Instagram was apart of a larger image that you could only see when looking at his whole profile page. A lot of people had already posted like this and still do it, but no one was doing it like A$AP. I'll never forget scrolling to find the beginning and being satisfied with the complete vision. I can remember the time because I know this was sometime around the release of A.L.L.A.
It makes sense that there's people I find cool listening to A$AP Rocky's new song, it validates the cool feeling I get when I listen to the song.
I know everyone didn't love TESTING but there's a lot of songs on there I still listen to. Plus I really respect the whole experimental direction he went with it, the art was a complete package. Which is something I feel like A$AP Rocky hadn't done before, since the 3 projects before TESTING all incorporated the A$AP brand. You don't have to deliver a complete artistic package in music but I appreciate it when it's executed well. "Distorted Records", "Fukk Sleep", and "changes", all deliver.
I know A$AP Rocky has taken way too long with this new album but that's why these singles are getting me hype. He said it was supposed to happen in August, last August and this August, but sample clearances prevented it. I still respect the guy because we know he's taking care of a lot of other things in his life. The fact that I feel like I don't need to elaborate on what else he's been taking care of because I assume most people reading this already know, is a testament to A$AP's admirable skill of existing in our world. Zero albums in 6 years but he still provides the cool. Thank you A$AP Rocky.
This is the sacred timeline. Welcome. I want to centralize everything I post on the internet here. We all need to be using more, different websites, but we also need to centralize things for simplicity sake.
Currently I am paying for this domain annually and Google allows me to build a site but since the time I started renting the domain, Google sold it to Squarespace. Google also said something like "Google sites doesn't exist anymore" but that's still the same software I'm using to write right now. So, I don't know how long it will remain on this exact domain but, I will keep it consistent no matter what by keeping my own records with files on my computer.
The reason I am doing this is so that I can have the most control over my digital output. I want to release (more) music, videos, books, and I just want to post my thoughts online. I know people have used the internet like this before, I want more people to do it more.
The photo above really is a perfect start to what's happening here, this sentence is technically the beginning though. Scrolling up is moving forwards, scrolling down is backwards.